Green Building Materials for Saving Money and the Environment

Using green building materials and technologies promotes environmental conservation of scarce nonrenewable natural resources. It helps to minimize the adverse environmental effect related to the extraction, transportation, processing, manufacture, fabrication, installations, reuse, and disposal of goods and services. In other words, using green products and technology reduces environmental pollution, while creating a sense of social responsibility as well.

The use of sustainable building materials creates a sense of pride and accomplishment in many individuals. This realization begins with the simple recognition that a building constructed from sustainable products and technologies does not harm the environment in any way. In addition, people become conscious of the services they provide to others. A green building materials company can offer its customers numerous benefits. These benefits include reduced consumption of energy and water, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, reduction in total waste, and reduction in hazardous waste. Moreover, there is a general environmental benefit as buildings constructed from sustainable building materials emit less harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, contribute less to global warming, and use less natural resources and fuels.

There are two broad categories of sustainable building materials used today. One of these categories is “renewable” and the other is “sustainable technology”. Each of these categories has its advantages and disadvantages. Many green building materials can be classified into more than one of these categories.

Renewable Construction Materials

For instance, there are renewable construction materials such as wood. While wood may have some short-term benefits, it is prone to rapid degradation, particularly as … READ MORE ...